Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 11th

The challenge today from Patti was:

"A sign with no words.....but you know what it means"

I had to think about it,we have the fire hydrants signs and I thought of those as the hydrants themselves in our town are painted and I thought that might make an interesting shot but it didn't ! It did for Julie though :)

I did remember we have this sign right before the little lake......

It's actually 2 for one as there's another sign there too.
Not the angle I wanted but there's a great big ugly orange diversion sign plonked next to it.So not the most exciting shot but I remember them having to put up those signs a couple of years ago as the ducks were constantly crossing the road !

Patti went green for hers.


JulieS said...

That is one cute sign! I went with your first idea - but I have a bonus in mine to make it a bit more interesting. :)

rocklady said...

perfectamundo, how adorable, never saw that one before!