Monday, June 15, 2009

June 14th

Patti's challenge today was:

"A night shot with moving lights"

Mmmm,I knew I wouldn't be anywhere in a car in the evening and I have nothing with lighting that moves in the garden(Stuart suggested the fire flies.....but since it was raining last night I didn't think that would be very successful and the fact I'd be eaten alive by mosquitoes !!)

So I ended up with this,only one light but it is moving..........

A candle,moving from the draft of the open door !


Abi said...

Oh wow your photos are great, really inventive :D

rocklady said...

good one ruth, as a matter of fact i had practiced with a moving candle in the living room with a grumpy helper on saturday night ;)

JulieS said...

Good for you for thinking of something that could be done without leaving the house. I drew a blank on that and gave in to my lazy tendencies. Beautiful shot, it's very serene.