Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day 15

Ran out of time last night to post !

I was only going to include one for today since it was a bird shot but I caught the boys chilling out last night and wanted to use that as an everyday shot too.

I went out to put some food on the floor for the injured Blue Jay we have hanging around our yard.
He's been around since the weekend and seems to have a wing problem but he's surviving and he's well enough to hop away from me before I could take his picture !
So while I was busy focusing on him a chickadee landed right next to me...

I had to actually lean back because I was too close to focus,since I had the big lens on !

I'm quite strict when it comes to TV,computer and DS time,mean Mum that I am :)
So they really make the most of the time they have...

So focused !!

1 comment:

rocklady said...

love the chickadee, but all your bird photos are wonderful and look at those boys, concentrating so hard, great shot!