Monday, October 12, 2009

The Weekend

I was busy this past weekend and only now downloaded my pictures.....
Yesterday,Sunday we went for breakfast and then took a walk,I took lots of photo's but all my favourites weren't the right colours for this challenge !
So I've picked this one which said Fall to me......


Saturday,I went down to the piece of land that separates ours and our neighbours property and used a technique from our June challenges.
I tried to capture the leaves with the sun in front,not the effect I thought but since I only looked at the photo's now,Monday,not much I can do about it !!!


It's colourful if nothing else.

1 comment:

rocklady said...

oh i love that sun in front shot ruth, it's beautiful and the other one certainly says fall, man you have a lot of leaves out your way, our neighborheed seems to have more evergreens! ;)