Tuesday, October 13, 2009

13th October

I had an appointment downtown this morning so I took my camera,just in case I saw something interesting for today's photo........I didn't.
Rain,rain and more rain.......again.
I thought I'd better not take another leaf photo so when I got home there was a break from the rain and I took this.......


A rain covered pumpkin.
The boys and I went and picked up a couple on Sunday from the little produce stall at the end of the road,that's there from June to October........keeping it local :)

I have of course broken my portrait only shots with this landscape one.
I just couldn't get what I wanted vertically !

Patti's was vibrant yellow today.

1 comment:

rocklady said...

oh ruth i love this shot, nope, definitely a horizontal shot for this was best! :)